Toby Keith MY LIST Radio ONLY PROMO DJ CD 2001 3 trk + LYRICS | eBay

About the Song

Toby Keith, the name itself conjures up images of dusty boots, wide-open plains, and a voice that’s as rough and smooth as aged whiskey. But beyond the country bravado, Keith’s music often delves into deeper themes, striking a chord with everyday folks facing the joys and struggles of life. Today, we’ll be taking a look at one of his more introspective songs, “My List”.

Released in 2002, “My List” isn’t your typical foot-stomping country anthem. It’s a slower, introspective ballad that speaks to the familiar feeling of getting caught up in the daily grind, pushing aside the things that truly matter. This isn’t a song about grand adventures or wild romances; it’s a quiet reflection on the simple moments we often miss in the pursuit of our everyday tasks.

Many of us can relate to the song’s protagonist, who carries a list filled with chores, errands, and obligations. Each day, he meticulously checks items off, diligently fulfilling his responsibilities. Yet, somewhere beneath the surface, a yearning lingers. He longs to spend more time with his loved ones, to embrace the simple joys that life offers beyond the demands of the daily routine.

“My List” is a poignant reminder that life is not solely defined by our accomplishments or to-do lists. It’s a call to find a balance, to cherish the precious moments with those we hold dear, and to not let the pursuit of “getting things done” overshadow the true meaning of life. As the years roll by, it’s the memories we create with loved ones that we treasure most, not the items we check off on our lists. So, let’s listen in to Toby Keith’s “My List” and take a moment to reflect on what truly matters in our own lives.