Toby Keith performed sold-out shows 2 months before death

About the Song

Ah, summertime! The days grow longer, the sun beats down, and the iced tea gets poured a little more liberally. But for some folks, especially those of us who’ve lived in places with hot, muggy summers for a good chunk of our lives, there’s a certain longing – a fleeting memory, perhaps – of cooler times. That’s where a song like Toby Keith’s “Humidity Built The Snowman” comes in.

Now, Toby Keith is a country music legend, known for his gravelly voice, his storytelling songs, and his deep connection to American life. “Humidity Built The Snowman” might not be one of his biggest hits, but for those of us who appreciate a bit of wit and a touch of nostalgia, it’s a real gem.

This song isn’t your typical country ballad about heartbreak or small-town life. Instead, it takes a playful, almost tongue-in-cheek look at the absurdity of a snowman existing anywhere near the scorching heat of the south. Keith, with his signature drawl, tells the story of a snowman built not from frosty flakes, but from the thick, oppressive humidity that hangs heavy in the air.

It’s a clever metaphor, isn’t it? We all know a snowman wouldn’t last five minutes in the southern sun. But Keith uses that image to paint a picture of a place where even the thought of winter chills seems like a distant dream. It’s a song that will likely resonate with anyone who’s ever spent a summer sweltering in the heat, yearning for a cool breeze or a snowflake.

“Humidity Built The Snowman” is more than just a funny song about the weather, though. It’s a reminder to appreciate the good times, even when they’re a world away. It’s a nod to the power of memory and the way a simple image can transport you back to a different time and place. So, next time you’re feeling the heat beat down, crank up this Toby Keith tune and let it take you on a little trip down memory lane, even if the only snow you see is the kind that melts in the blink of an eye.