About the Song

Roy Drusky’s ‘Peel Me a ‘Nanner’ is a classic country song that was released in 1963. The song was written by Bill Anderson, who is one of the most successful songwriters in country music history. ‘Peel Me a ‘Nanner’ is a catchy and upbeat song that tells the story of a man who is trying to win over a woman. The song is full of humor and wit, and it has a timeless appeal that has made it a favorite of country music fans for generations.

The song begins with the man addressing the woman directly, asking her to “peel me a ‘nanner.” The ‘nanner’ is a slang term for a banana, and the man is using it as a metaphor for something that is both sweet and delicious. He goes on to describe the woman in terms of food, comparing her to a “peach,” a “cherry,” and a “strawberry.” The man’s words are full of affection and admiration, and it is clear that he is smitten with the woman.

The song’s chorus is simple but effective. It repeats the phrase “peel me a ‘nanner” over and over again, creating a catchy and memorable melody. The chorus also serves to reinforce the song’s message of love and desire.

The song’s bridge provides some additional context for the man’s feelings. He reveals that he has been watching the woman from afar, and he is finally ready to make his move. He sings, “I’ve been watching you for a long time, and I think it’s time to make my move.” The bridge builds the tension in the song, and it makes the listener eager to hear how the story will end.

The song’s final verse sees the man finally making his move. He asks the woman out on a date, and she accepts. The song ends with the man and woman walking off together, hand in hand. The happy ending is a satisfying conclusion to the song’s playful and romantic story.

‘Peel Me a ‘Nanner’ is a classic country song that has stood the test of time. The song is catchy, humorous, and heartwarming, and it is sure to put a smile on your face. The song is also a testament to Bill Anderson’s songwriting skills. Anderson is a master of crafting songs that are both entertaining and meaningful, and ‘Peel Me a ‘Nanner’ is a perfect example of his talent.

Here are some additional thoughts on the song:

  • The song’s use of food as a metaphor is clever and effective. It helps to create a sense of playfulness and lightheartedness in the song.
  • The song’s chorus is simple but effective. It is easy to sing along to, and it helps to make the song memorable.
  • The song’s bridge provides some additional context for the man’s feelings. It helps to build the tension in the song and makes the listener eager to hear how the story will end.
  • The song’s happy ending is satisfying and heartwarming. It is a perfect conclusion to the song’s playful and romantic story.

Overall, ‘Peel Me a ‘Nanner’ is a classic country song that is sure to please fans of all ages. The song is catchy, humorous, and heartwarming, and it is a testament to Bill Anderson’s songwriting skills.