Official Website of Toby Keith

About the Song

Howdy, partners! Gather ’round for a tale spun by the one and only Toby Keith, a country music legend known for his rough and tumble anthems and heartland stories. This time around, Toby ditches the party trucks and rowdy bars for a more contemplative tune called “Days I Shoulda Died”. Released in 2021 on his album “Peso in My Pocket”, this song takes a look back at a life filled with close calls and risky choices.

Now, Toby Keith ain’t afraid of a little danger. We’ve all heard him sing about girls in cutoff jeans and nights that get a little too wild. But “Days I Shoulda Died” goes a step further. It’s a song for folks who’ve lived a little, maybe a lot, and have the scars and stories to prove it. It’s a chance to reflect on those moments when fate seemed to be hanging by a thread, those times when you dodged a bullet (literally or figuratively) and emerged a little wiser, a little humbler.

Think back to your own life. Maybe you had a brush with a car accident, a close call with a dangerous storm, or a moment of recklessness that could have ended badly. “Days I Shoulda Died” is a reminder that we all have these experiences, and they shape who we become. The song isn’t about dwelling on regrets, though. It’s about acknowledging the past, appreciating the gift of another day, and maybe even finding a little humor in those close calls.

So, if you’re a seasoned listener who’s seen a thing or two in your days, this Toby Keith song is for you. It’s a chance to reminisce, to nod your head in agreement, and maybe even chuckle at the crazy things life throws your way. Settle in, put on your favorite hat, and let “Days I Shoulda Died” take you on a journey through the wild, unpredictable path of life.
