Away in a Manger

About the Song

Settle in by the fire, with a mug of hot cocoa warming your hands. Perhaps you’ve got a string of twinkling lights lining the mantelpiece, casting a soft glow on the room. It’s that time of year again, when the air gets a little crisper and hearts turn towards family, tradition, and the joy of the holiday season. For many folks, Christmas wouldn’t be complete without a good dose of classic carols, those timeless melodies that have been passed down through generations.

Tonight, we’re going to take a listen to a familiar tune, sung by a voice you might not expect for a Christmas carol. Toby Keith, the country music powerhouse known for his gritty anthems and down-home charm, takes a turn at the beloved carol, “Away in a Manger.”

Now, some of you might be raising an eyebrow. Toby Keith singing a Christmas carol? Well, that’s precisely what makes this rendition so interesting. While Keith is certainly known for his rowdy hits and rocking patriotism, he’s also a man of faith. This carol selection allows him to showcase a different side, a gentler side that reflects the reverence of the season.

So, put on your favorite holiday sweater, snuggle up with loved ones, and prepare to hear a familiar song delivered in a fresh way. As Toby Keith croons about the humble beginnings of the Christ child, we’re reminded of the true spirit of Christmas – a message of hope, peace, and love that transcends age and background. Let’s get ready to listen to “Away in a Manger” by Toby Keith.